Meet Allen Krevinghaus

It is a great pleasure to introduce Allen Krevinghaus who serves as the Logistics and Warehouse Manager at Vantage Plastics. Allen started his career with Vantage Plastics as a temp employee on the production floor ten years ago. Given previous experience in logistics, he rose quickly to move into his current role after three years. He has now served in the role for seven years. When asked about today’s disrupted logistics environment and the challenges it presents Allen states; “I make sure I am staying in front of it. I want to be in a position where I am running the show rather than having the show running us.” This involves helping to coordinate internal schedules, external customer communications regarding deliveries, and freight carrier schedules. Keeping all of these stakeholders in alignment with the variables at play presents many challenges and requires Allen and his team to be very organized. Interacting with our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system Allen sees what production is scheduled to be completed and when. This lets him know when he should schedule freight for pick up and delivery and when to interact with customers about the timing of their deliveries.
Outside of his work life, Allen has been married to his wife Jennifer for twenty years and they have four children. Son Devin is an Airborne Radar Technician flying in AWACS planes out of Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City. Son Dominic recently graduated from high school and is working at a movie theater. Daughter KacieRae is a junior in high school and involved with competitive cheer and soccer. Son Dylan is a freshman in high school and is involved in soccer, bowling, and track. In addition to raising a busy family, Allen has been the Varsity Soccer Coach at Pinconning High School for five years for both the boy’s and girls’ teams. In his spare time, he enjoys getting out in the woods when he can and doing some hunting and fishing. As you will read below Allen also has a love for flying and has purchased a plane called a “Long EZ” which he is in the process of rebuilding.
In his formative years, Allen attended Western Michigan University for six years pursuing a commercial airline pilot license. This career would have had him flying all over the world. This presented him with a choice as he had met the love of his life during this same time. He could fly all over the world or get married and be around to raise a family. He chose family. As is often the case families face challenges and serve as our basic institution of social support. Eight years ago, Allen’s wife Jennifer was diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma a form of brain cancer. After diagnosis referrals were made to M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas. This involved a lot of time spent in treatment and travel for Allen and Jennifer. It also meant there had to be significant adjustments in family dynamics and roles during and post-recovery. Thankfully treatments have yielded positive results as Jennifer only needs to return to M.D. Anderson every other year for checkups. Allen expresses a big thanks to Vantage Plastics for being there during the challenges faced by his family and offers that it is a great place to work. During his ten years at Vantage Plastics, Allen has been helping fulfill our Mission of Forming Better Lives, Forming Solutions, and Forming Sustainable Futures.
At Vantage Plastics we have the expertise to sort through all of the options for the solution that’s right for you. And if your needs are really specialized, we can custom design the right solution for the job. Contact Vantage Plastics to get your questions answered.